Attention Britton Farms Homeowners:
As you know from prior BFHA meetings and emails, the BFHA Code of Regulations and Restrictive Covenants are long overdue to be updated. The current versions of these documents can be downloaded and viewed from the Downloads page.
The BFHA Executive Board is seeking member input as the Britton Farms Code of Regulations and Restrictive Covenants are updated over the coming months. The most up-to-date version of these proposed amended documents can be downloaded from the below links. By way of explanation regarding the “Compare” Versions: Red-crossed-out means original text deleted. Red-underlined means new text. Green-underlined and crossed out means original language moved to a different location in the document but not deleted. Green-underlined shows the new location in the document. Green-crossed out shows original spot in the document.
BFHA Code of Regulations (“Compare” Version) April 24, 2018
BFHA Restrictive Covenants (“Compare” Version) April 24, 2018
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018
Please take the time to view these important documents. You are encouraged to make comments and recommendations in the “Leave a Comment” section below.
This review and comment period will culminate in a subdivision-wide vote of all 299 Britton Farms homeowners. Any modification or amendment to these Regulations shall be made only upon the affirmative vote of at least seventy-five (75%) of the members.