Attention Britton Farms Homeowners:
As you know from prior BFHA meetings and emails, the BFHA Code of Regulations and Restrictive Covenants are long overdue to be updated. The current versions of these documents can be downloaded and viewed from the Downloads page.
The BFHA Executive Board is seeking member input as the Britton Farms Code of Regulations and Restrictive Covenants are updated over the coming months. The most up-to-date version of these proposed amended documents can be downloaded from the below links. By way of explanation regarding the “Compare” Versions: Red-crossed-out means original text deleted. Red-underlined means new text. Green-underlined and crossed out means original language moved to a different location in the document but not deleted. Green-underlined shows the new location in the document. Green-crossed out shows original spot in the document.
BFHA Code of Regulations (“Compare” Version) April 24, 2018
BFHA Restrictive Covenants (“Compare” Version) April 24, 2018
Please take the time to view these important documents. You are encouraged to make comments and recommendations in the “Leave a Comment” section below.
This review and comment period will culminate in a subdivision-wide vote of all 299 Britton Farms homeowners. Any modification or amendment to these Regulations shall be made only upon the affirmative vote of at least seventy-five (75%) of the members.
Please allow privacy fencing for houses on the perimeter of the subdivision. Traffic noise/pollution has increased tremendously on Britton Parkway since we moved in 5 years ago.
I would like to see fences be required to be natural materials like cedar, no metal, no pre-fabricated type of material. This would be similar to current requirement for outdoor sheds
I had several questions/comments:
1. Did I read correctly that fence height is 3 feet? Will fences higher than this need to be changed? I also think we should include language for either natural or “wrought iron looking” fences.
2. I don’t think we should allow storage at the rear of a house for boat, campers etc. These should be stored in garage or offsite.
Some areas I would suggest we develop some more detailed requirements around should be :
1. The term “maintenance” in Article 7 as it refers to a homeowners obligations on their lot and structure is not very specific in some important areas. It does detail parking areas, lighting fixtures, irrigation systems etc. mostly as it relates to “common areas”, but does not detail areas such as lawn and landscaping maintenance, except to “replace landscaping”. We need more specific detail also as it relates to the exterior of the structure such as painting maintenance etc.
2. We need specific reference added to the regulations regarding trash receptacles and where they can be stored that restates the Hilliard city code 975.05 Rules and Regulations as it is written referencing “at the rear of the building or in an enclosed area”.
3, In the Code of Regulations it states in Section 6 that meeting notices are to be done “by mailing a copy of such notice …. to each Member … or delivering a copy of such notice at such address… “. Does that mean we need to physically deliver a notice on paper?? If so that should be changed.
I feel like the split rail fence surrounding the neighborhood should be maintained by the HOA. While it does add a certain aesthetic to the entire swath, it’s clear the existing posts/rails are 20+ years old in most cases. Based on the language above, I will choose to simply remove the fence all together rather than replace.
We barely get Facebook notification of meetings as it is, but the new code of regulations would require MAILED notification in a 30-60 day window every meeting? That’s unnecessary and would never happen! It should require at least 30 day notification, but social media, signs at the entrance posted 30 days prior and via email blast should be sufficient. Not to mention the huge waste of money of printing and mailing 300 notifications 4 times a year!
Also, the new code requires 60 members in attendance to have quorum. Seeing as how the average meeting attendance is like 10-20, that seems like you would never be able to actually accomplish anything because you would NEVER have quorum.
There should be a term limit on trustees and officers. I believe there used to be but I did not see any term limits in the new version of the code.
There should also be a provision about who and how exemptions to the covenants can be made. For example, if someone wants to build a fence closer to the street than is allowed by the covenants or city code, one person or one person should not be given the authority to grant an exemption, it should be required to be discussed at a public general membership meeting and voted on.
I agree that privacy fencing should be allowed for homeowners on the perimeter of the subdivision, i.e. homes tha back up to Britton Parkway or Davidson Road. Not only would this help block the noise, it would discourage others from using the homeowner’s yard as a short cut in or out of the subdivision. If the homeowner wants to enclose the entire yard or just the back of the home along Britton Parkway or Davidson, either one should be allowed, home owner’s choice.
1. Fences that face Davidson Rd and Britton Parkway: My vote is to continue with same type of split rail fence requirement at the expense of the association. NO privacy fences here. I don’t want our subdivision looking like others down the road on Rome Hilliard Road. Privacy fences facing a main road look terrible. Homeowners concerned with road noise should not have built along a major road.
2. Storage sheds: I would like to continue the “no metal” requirement, and add that storage sheds should be made of natural materials that match the house. No metal, plastic, etc. They should be painted to look just like the owner’s house.
3. Driveways: although I can’t immediately locate this anywhere, I thought sure all driveways had to be concrete. At the very least, we should clarify NO MORE blacktop driveways, and as existing ones become in need of resurfacing, homeowner should be required to install concrete, which was the original intent in this neighborhood.
4. At the meeting, the notes reflect we discussed solar panels, but what specifically was discussed was solar roofs. In other words, roofs that are totally made up of solar shingles such as ones made by Tesla. Not sure if we have a requirement someplace that requires regular types of roof shingles.
Can i build a treehouse? Are there any permits needed?